HTML 101 (For More Expressive Comments)

HTML makes you wonder about the Christianity versus atheism debateSome of the discussions through comments at this blog have been long and involved, and I thank all the participants for making this a more interesting place.

Comments here on WordPress can use HTML, so I wanted to give a couple of suggestions in case you want to make comments a little easier to read.

To quote a previous post or comment: surround the quoted material with <blockquote> and </blockquote>.

To italicize something: surround the words to be italicized with <em> and </em>.

To insert a hyperlink: surround the text to get the link like this: <a href=”entire URL goes here”> and </a>.

And it doesn’t hurt to start with the name of the person you’re replying to.  Example:


<blockquote>That was a savagely witty comment.</blockquote>

Thanks!  You’ll find <em>nothing but</em> savage wit at <a href=”“>Cross Examined</a>.



That was a savagely witty comment.

Thanks!  You’ll find nothing but savage wit at Cross Examined.

Related links:

Post #1

Hello?  Test, test….  Hey, is this thing on?

After several years posting at other discussion forums, I’d like to focus my creative efforts on this blog.  I want to take a broad look at the arguments for and against Christianity as well as look at Christianity’s place in society.  I’d like to create a civil but energetic critique of Christianity from an atheist viewpoint.

I’m interested in what you think!  Please add your comments.  Any suggestions for new topics—things about Christianity or atheism that bug you or questions you have—would also be much appreciated.  Email me at

I’m also interested in any comments you have about the name and tagline for the blog.  I went through a lot of them, looking for the right balance between politeness and frankness, and I’d like to hear any suggestions for improvement.  For your amusement, here are some taglines that didn’t make it.

  • Don’t Accept Christianity on Faith
  • Prodding the Thinking Christian
  • Clear Thinking about Christianity
  • If God Wanted Mindless Faith, Then Why Did He Give You a Mind?
  • A Rational Critique of Christianity
  • Using Reason to Critique Christianity

Let the thinking begin!
